With 45 years experience in photography, I learned in an era before the current digital "smart cameras" could select the "perfect" exposure settings. I have a Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III and appreciate automation, but sometimes for the optimum images, understanding manual exposure is critical. For depth of field assessment, Photobuddy is absolutely invaluable, dead-on accurate, and saves considerable time over the trial-and-error or "judge-through-a-darkened-stopped-down-lens" approach. It is easily worth the small price paid for the DOF calculations alone. If you spend any time with the sun and moon chart and use the blue arrows and "dropdowns", it works flawlessly, I use this feature for purposes other than photography (hunting) and can input and future date and get instant readouts. I have experienced no "low memory problems on my 3G iPhone. I cannot find the step wedge mentioned by other reviewers (feature removed?), and recommend to the author that the manual be updated (covers version 1.0).
Ionzr about PhotoBuddy